Floating for Electromagnetic Radiation EMF Relief
There’s lots of scientific research supporting the benefits of floatation therapy, want to learn more about the science stuff, read on……
There’s lots of scientific research supporting the benefits of floatation therapy, want to learn more about the science stuff, read on……
There’s lots of scientific research supporting the benefits of floatation therapy, want to learn more about the science stuff, read on……
Souler Float is proud to feature in the Florida Today Magazine for the July 2019 Summer Fun Edition. In this article we showcase Souler Float’s Services with a visit from Florida Today’s Journalist and Writer Maria Sonnenberg.
By: Bridget Bachman The more you appreciate, the more life gives you to appreciate. Appreciation and abundant gratitude flows from being present in the current moment. When you are living in the moment, you are being fully aware of the moment that you are in. The only true moment that Read more…
Float in different positions. Find the one that works for you! One thing you may not have thought of is trying different float positions. You may find one that works better for you. You may be able to take your float experience to the next level by shifting to your Read more…