Health Benefits of Jade Stone InfraRed Massage Bed Sessions

Jae stones are known for being lucky, protective stones containing Jadeite and Nephrite minerals and have been found beneficial in boosting clarity, focus and when rolled against the body can help improve circulation, relieve stress and ease pain.

Introducing the InfraRed Jade Stone Massage Bed offers cutting edge pain management and can help improve most types of back or chronic pain with many users reporting results from frequent use.  Jade stones are also used since they are an effective natural conductor of infrared heat and when massaging the muscles and tendons around the spine helps relieve tension, relaxing hardened nerve roots and improving circulation and flexibility.

How does it work?

The Jade Stone InfraRed Massage Bed combine’s deep far-infrared heat, massage therapy and acupressure whilst gently flexing and stretching your spine and relaxing your muscles.

The Jade sone rollers and heads are strategically placed to help encourage better blood flow along your legs, spine and shoulders which stimulates your autonomic nervous system deep within your body. Your autonomic nervous system controls all the functions that you don’t think about such as blood pressure, blood glucose regulation, digestion, bladder function, breathing and much more.

The jade stone massage bed is an FDA approved Class II therapy device without prescription and consisting of a thermal massage system offering a warm, deep and relaxing 30minute session that is extremely effective at reducing or eliminating pain. It uniquely integrates thousands of years of Eastern medical wisdom with the technological advancements of Western medicine to provide you with an economical, relaxing and rejuvenating massage like no other helping to relax muscles, relieves joint pain and stiffness and increase circulation.  The Jades stones are strategically placed on rollers and tracks are specially designed to run up and down your back from the tip of your head to the bottom of your tailbone and a second set that runs from down your calves to the heels. Their placement gently encouraging the spine to move and flex in beneficial ways along with acupressure points and soothing far infrared deep heat therapy.

Our Jade Stone bed also comes with 2 additional handheld components one with 15 jade balls and another with 5 jade balls delivering warm and soothing infrared heat for a more focused treatment.

N.B for those with heat sensitivity this therapy can be enjoyed with the heat turned down low or off.

Who should consult their physician or specialist before using the Jade Stone InfraRed Massage Bed;

– Phlebitis/ Blood clots
– Fused discs or implanted spinal/scoliosis rods or any other spinal hardware/implants that react to heat or cannot tolerate pressure from massage
– Fractures or suspected fractures or other traumatic injuries that have not healed
– Malignant tumors or currently receiving cancer treatment
– Currently pregnant
– Reactive skin disorders such as prickly heat rash or photoallergic dermatitis
– Surgery within the past 6 months
– Sever osteoporosis
– Pacemaker, ICD
– Acute disease or pain
– High fever
– Perception disorder
– Artificial organs or skeletons
– Any condition that may be adversely affected by massage, pressure, heat or increased circulation.

Weight limit for the bed cannot exceed 300Lbs.

What is infrared? 

What exactly is infrared? Simply put, infrared is light. Near Infrared light has a short wavelength closest to visible light while Far Infrared light has the longest wavelength.

Infrared light therapy is widely recognized as an effective way to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling as well as being proven to prevent tissue damage, offer deep detoxification and increase cell energy production in the form of ATP Production increase and oxygenation of the blood. In addition to this, infrared is able to lessen the damage after heart attacks, stroke and nerve injury and promote wound healing.

There has been worldwide scientific research and clinical trials over many years focused on infrared therapy. Many studies have shown that regular infrared use can boost your immune system. Increasing internal body temperature produces more immune cells amping up your body’s natural defenses.

Infrared also helps blood flow via vasodilation (opening of the blood vessels). Vasodilation also allows more oxygen flow to your brain which relieves the sense of exhaustion, helps get antibodies and immune cells to the affected areas faster, increasing your chance of a full and speedy recovery.

Studies have also show that regular use can prevent other illness and also great for heart health and maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Want to feel relaxed, calm, invigorated and stay healthy, what are you waiting for, book your regular Jade Stone InfraRed Massage Bed sessions today!


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