What is Fire and Ice Knee Contrast Therapy and how does it work?

This non-invasive contrast therapy helps reduce pain in the knee area by delivering both hot and cold temperatures to the knees in succession to aid in reducing inflammation and pain in the knees.

Our equipment is gently placed over the knees, secured with straps and sessions last 24minutes. 

We recommend the constrast between hot and cold however you have a choice of either contrast or set to hot or cold only to suit your preference.

Contrast therapy works by and accelerates the soft tissue healing process and offers an array of rejuvenating benefits that include;
– Decreased swelling
– Decreased pain sensitivity and fatigue after acute exercise
– Decreased inflammation
– Relax and relieve muscle pain
– Increased flexibility and mobility

The sequential hot and cold contrast system is tested and proven technology in increasing the range of motion and flexibility, relax and relieve pain and inflammation.

Who benefits from regular contrast therapy?

If you are constantly on your feet (retail, first responders, law enforcement, teachers, construction workers, athletes etc) this takes its toll on your knees. Give them a break and enjoy a knee therapy treatment in our restoration lounge. 

Are you a fitness fanatic or playing for your college team, living an active life and pushing yourself to be better, stronger and faster, remember to also include recovery, without it you’ll take 1 step forward and 2 steps back, using contrast therapy will help shorten your recovery time, reduce inflammation and muscle fatigue.

Schedule your appointment with us today, revitalization and rejuvenation is just a few clicks away!

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