Floating Reflections
No man every steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man….
No man every steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man….
Whether it’s your first float or you’ve been regularly using floatation therapy for years, there are a multitude of tips and tricks that can make your experience even better. We have personally researched and practiced the following 5 tips to be the easiest and most direct means to an amazing Read more…
I can’t begin to convey the wonders of my first-time float experience without first discussing the incredible synchronistic way I found Souler Float. My fiancé and I moved to Melbourne, FL from Germany about a month ago. We both are Conscious Lifestyle Mentors and Writers, and he mentioned the idea of a sensory deprivation Read more…
Just bring yourself! People often ask what they should bring for their first float. The answer is super simple, just bring yourself. You do not need shampoo, snacks, drinks, or even a bathing suit. You can wear any clothes you like, because we recommend floating nude! Preparing for your first Read more…